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The August 29th initial testing date is near and we’ve put together our own list of Part 107 UAS Pilot Certification test prep study resources.

UAS Pilot Study Resources Page

In the interest of supporting UAS safety and helping drone pilots prepare for the Aeronautical Knowledge test, we have built a UAS Pilot Resources page featuring information on how to get started, including: the basics of the FAA Unmanned Aircraft Part 107 Rules, study resources for the Remote Pilot UAS Certification Exam, and how to register your drone. Check out our UAS Pilot Resources page for more details!

Register for the Exam

Commercial drone pilots can now register at locations all over the U.S.. You can register via phone by calling any of the locations on the Airman Knowledge Testing Center List, or register online through various registration services – we pre-registered through CATS – Computer Assisted Testing Service. If you haven’t already registered, be ready for the investment in the test registration at $150 and prepare for your test date with our list of suggested study resources! For information on FAA UAS guidelines, check out the FAA UAS FAQs page.

About Vigilant Aerospace Systems

Vigilant Aerospace is the leading developer of multi-sensor detect-and-avoid and airspace management software for uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS or drones). The company’s product, FlightHorizon, is based on two NASA patents and uses data from multiple sources to display a real-time picture of the air traffic around a UAS and to provide automatic avoidance maneuvers to prevent collisions. The software is designed to meet industry technical standards, to provide automatic safety and to allow UAS to safely fly beyond the sight of the pilot. The software has won multiple industry awards and the company has had contracts and users at NASA, the FAA, the U.S. Department of Defense and with a variety of drone development programs. Visit our website at

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