Vigilant Aerospace will be the featured presenter at the inaugural meeting of the new DronePort Network, to be held at 2PM on Wednesday, September 12 in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The DronePort Network is a new US trade organization designed to aid individuals and groups who are developing both public and private sector UAS programs.
The DronePort Network meeting is scheduled from 2PM to 5PM and we will be presenting our one-hour seminar, “Airspace Safety: Managing the Systems that Ensure Flight Safety in DronePort Environments.”
The inaugural meeting is being held in association with the annual UAS Tech Forum, the premier event of the
US Small Business Administration’s UAS Cluster Initiative. The UAS Tech Forum open reception begins at 5PM on September 12 and the event continues through Thursday, September 13.
The Vigilant Aerospace seminar for the DronePort Network meeting will include a brief overview and discussion of the major safety, risk mitigation, regulatory, and technical challenges in setting up a new UAS program and will provide specific suggestions to overcome these challenges. Time will also be provided for audience questions and answers on these topics.

This one-hour seminar is a small segment of our new “UAS Program Design and Implementation Workshop.” Please
contact Vigilant Aerospace for information on scheduling presentations of this full-day workshop.
The DronePort Network is a new national, professional development and trade organization designed to aid individuals and groups who are developing UAS programs. These professionals include those designing and building public and private sector programs and public-private partnerships that are intended to create economic impact in a community or region and to improve public safety in that community or region through the use of unmanned aircraft.
We are also happy to announce that Vigilant Aerospace is the new organization’s charter sponsor in the category of “Airspace Safety” and will be making available to the membership exclusive seminars, workshops and case studies specifically around areas of interest and issues of concern to the members.
Registration to for the UAS Tech Forum is required to attend the DronePort Network meeting. For more information on the UAS Tech Forum and the DronePort Network meeting, visit the UAS Tech Forum 2018 page.
“Airspace Safety: Managing the Systems that Ensure Flight Safety in DronePort Environments”
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
2:00 – 5:00 PM
The inaugural meeting of the DronePort Network featuring a presentation by Vigilant Aerospace Systems CEO, Kraettli Epperson and round table discussion for DronePort developers.
1:00 PM – Registration Opens
2:00 PM – Introductions
2:30 PM – Presentation & Q&A
3:30 PM – DronePort Network Meeting & Discussion
4:30 PM – DronePort Network Next Steps Discussion
5:00 PM – Adjourn to UAS Tech Forum Opening Reception
The one-hour seminar will cover a variety airspace safety topics that are helpful to those considering or already in the midst of setting up a new UAS program:
- Regulations and Risk Mitigation: Emerging standards and how to quantify risks and risk mitigation to build an effective safety case
- Airspace Safety Systems: Technology, options, requirements and setup; Testing and validation
- Architecture and Future-Proofing: Building systems that fit the need now and that take into account future technology and regulations
“Are you developing a DronePort? Come meet your peers. Hear from industry leaders. Meet technical experts. Explore the benefits for your community.”
Attendees must register for the UAS Tech Forum event to attend. View the UAS Tech Forum agenda and register now.
About the DronePort Network Meeting:
From the website:
The purpose of this session is to ascertain the collective interest of the participants in forming a venue to conduct ongoing discussions, training, sharing of lessons learned and best practices about the development of DronePorts around the world. Mr. Kraettli Epperson, CEO of Vigilant Aerospace Systems Inc., will highlight the issues to be addressed by those considering or already in the midst of setting up new UAS DronePort programs including such topics as regulations and risk mitigation, airspace safety systems, and architecture and future-proofing that take into account future technology.
Participants will be able to be able to share their plans and ideas for DronePorts and ask questions and identify issues that they would like to discuss and learn from their peers. One key issue that will be considered is what the relative benefits are to local communities for developing a DronePort program to service the fast-growing drone industry. Jim Troxel, President of Cowboy Technology Angels, will guide the group in outlining a plan for future deliberations of this emerging peer network. For more information on the UAS Tech Forum and DronePort Network meeting, visit